Tuesday, 31 May 2016

My first year

When I was saying goodbye to all my friends before I left to get on the train that could take me away from my first year of college one of my friends said something that I didn't quite expect. She said:

"I'm so glad you came, I know you had a tough first year."
This was so strange for me to hear because until she said that, I would have never though of it. So much happened during my first year, and a lot of it was really great. I got into a really great college, I made some amazing friends, I got the idea that what I want to study won't leave me broke and destitute for the rest of my life. I joined a sport (rowing) and actually gained muscle. I wrote and I completed my first solo film project. Leaving at the end of the first year, I was torn. I wanted desperately to come home and I desperately wanted to come back.

Looking back, many tough things did happen in my first year. I spent both semesters stressed about my mother back at home, I worried about my grades and someone I cared about very much died while I was away. The friend who recognised these things was someone I'd told this to throughout the year. Yet, all these pressures didn't overcome me. Having friends like her really helped, they were there for me through everything.  I guess the moral of this blog is when you're going through a tough time, depending on where you are and who you're with it can be a little easier.