Sunday, 3 July 2016

New Job?!?!

Anyone who knows me knows I don’t vacation well. Strange for a lazy person but true. I think the max amount of time I go without either a job or school is about a week or two before I go mad. Work is how I relax, there’s nothing I like more than completing a job and being productive. The paycheck doesn’t hurt too ;).

Recently, like all college students, I had to ask myself the question: How am I going to make my degree profitable? A conversation with an alumni from my college gave me the idea of trying out a job in marketing/advertising. While my eventual goal is to be a writer and a filmmaker, I have to pay the bills before then. I looked around for marketing jobs and managed to land a great internship at a local advertising firm.

So far I’ve been here about two weeks but I’m learning a lot. I’ve helped write talking points and press releases, done research and even gone on shoots for ads. That’s not even touching on all the amazing stuff that’s still to come. I’ve had some really great jobs, but my co workers here are some really cool people who do some amazing work. Summer internships are a great way to test out different career options, even if you think they may be unrelated to your major. I’ve decided to take some classes in marketing in the fall to become more educated about the field. I can’t wait to see what next summer holds!

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